Still in Paris

Turns out it was a good idea to purchase a 'Paris Visite' - a travel card that can be used on the trains and buses around Paris. We've often jumped on any old bus, sat back and enjoyed the views. Couldn't find it earlier in the day. Look what I managed to snap with my camera as it whizzed past.

Happened upon this clown on stilts, entertaining a group of school children. It helped ease the disappointment of finding the Eiffel Tower closed for renovations.

Couldn't resist snapping a taste of home right next to the Eiffel Tower!

Ursula admiring something in a streetside shop. Lots of these everywhere.

Had really healthy lunch at the cafe on the right hand corner. Une assiette de frites et un crepe avec citron et de sucre. Yum. Oh, et un cafe longue.

See the bells?

Climbed LOTS of steps to get to the church of the Sacred Heart in Montmartre. Like at Notre Dame, a mass was going on inside with more beautiful singing. An unfogettable experience.

Hard to show with a photo how magestic it looks on top of the hill.

Saw lots of these 'outside' shops all over Paris with the most delicious bagettes and and crepes!

Alas, no musical entertainment on the Metro today - just lots of people.


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