And back to Paris

Last day in Mallorca. On the way to the airport we went via Es Grau. This cafe is way up on the side of a mountain. I don't think I've seen such a spectacular view. Ever!

See what I mean?

And perfect weather too!

Visited the Chateau Versailles today. That's me in the middle of a group of lads from Quebec!

Not quite the TGV but fun! Went for a ride all around the magnificent gardens of Versailles Chateau.

A sample of inside. Phwar!

The Louvre

Guess which painting you need a telescope to see?

From under the pyramid.

Last night in Paris. Can't believe it's over. Sigh.


Anonymous said…
You are invincible!
Anonymous said…
Wow! I've only had 24 hours in London and I'm in a knot over its beauty and richness... can't begin to fathom how saturated and awed you must be, judging by these amazing pics!



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