
A room with a view. Everybody has a balcony here. Lucky things!

A day out looking at the sights around Mallorca. Everything is coming in to blossom. Couldn´t resist this shot looking up at the palace.

Mallorca Cathedral. On the same scale as Notre Dame. Amazing and awe inspiring.

At the local supermarket. I think Coles should get in on this.

Easter breakfast with Ursula's friends. Loads of fun and great conversation with these people who are world travellers with many a tale to tell. And all avid readers - much discussion about books too! See the coloured hard boiled eggs? We all had one. The tradition is to bash the end of your egg into the end of the person's egg beside you. A bit like pulling Christmas crackers.

Ursula has an orange and lemon grove at the foot of her property. I discovered an orange tree that was still laden with fruit. I offered to pick some and make orange juice for breakfast. Ursula said I could if I wanted, but that she wouldn't be drinking any. I tried one. These oranges taste like lemons!

Ursula's house. Built with the local stone.

and Ursula' cat.

The view from the top of the hill a five minute walk from Ursula's house.

I love these narrow laneways - they're everywhere in Europe.
Back to Paris tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said…
These are fantastic photos, Carole! So many pictures telling so many words! It sounds like you're having a fabulous time.

(I especially like the photo of the Eiffel Tower and the Aus ad!)

Hopefully we'll get to high five at Heathrow... you never know your luck in a big airport!

I leave on Wed morning and land in UK Wed evening, leaving again on Friday arvo.

Take care.

love fiona
Minotaur said…
Oh, now I'm jealous my dear Janet. Everyone gets to go over seas but Bri Bri... hmm, not anymore.

So, how much of Paris are you going to put into your writing. These pictures are nothing more than inspirational.

Hope all is well.
Have a good on in London.
BookChook said…
I creak and ache with envy!
Carole Poustie said…
Just tried to upload some more pics for you all to drool over but the server down - or something. Grrrrr and sigh :(

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