More Paris

Guess where? A look at the outside today and the inside tomorrow!

In the very long queue - that actually moved quickly, so it wasn't as bad as it first appeared - I chatted with a very nice lady from Areys, mmm Aries, mmmm, Ar....something Inlet. Merde - have only been out of the country for days and can't remember how to spell that Inlet. Anyway, Notre Dame was worth every minute of the wait. Awesome. Am I really in Paris? PARIS!

A tiny portion of the whole. Phwar - those celings.
Timing. I found a seat to plonk down in for a bit of 'quiet' reflective time in amongst the other thousand or so people who had been in the line with me, when a mass began. A negro lady behind me began to sing the responses. It was so beautiful I had tingles down my spine. Very special to be there.

Moi on the banks of the Seine.

Et moi dans Le Jardin des Tuileries...mmm, actually Des Champs-Elyses.

More entertainment on the metro. Today it was this young man doing his violin practice and making some money on the side. Was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. And look at that lady. She didn't even turn around! Can you believe that? What is the world coming to?

Tis the dome of La Fayette. All I could afford to buy was a Coles-type shopping bag that had 'La Fayette' on it.

The Opera.

...and inside. I did a waltz in the middle of the floor when no one was watching. YES!


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