What a journey you go on when you write a book! It’s an adventure with twists and turns, unexpected hazards, exhilarating moments, excruciating moments and some delightful surprises. And I’m not talking about the plot. I’m talking about the writing process. Oh, and there’s lots of walking for miles and miles towards the horizon – which plays tricks on you and recedes instead of getting closer. When you start out, you don’t realize what you’ve taken on. Well, not in my case. You don’t realize how many hours you’ll sit in front of the computer screen, tapping away in faith – that you’ll get there. And that it will be good. (Where good equals outstanding and outstanding equals published.) You don’t realize that the characters will become part of your family. That you will grow to love them as their lives untangle beneath your fingertips. That as you get to know their foibles, you’ll gain a much deeper understanding of your own. That your subconscious will work furiously in the background ...